Water Damage
Water damage can be hazardous to your health and dangerous for your home or business, therefore time is of the essence when it occurs. If treated quickly, you can minimize the damage, reduce restoration costs and prevent the growth of mold, and other contaminants. Time is extremely important when dealing with water damage situations. The faster work can begin the less damage to surrounding materials and your possessions. Much of the damage from water leaks are hidden from view. Moisture meters are the only reliable tool to determine the extent of the water damage. Make sure you use a company you can trust with reliable service. Click here to see more and which areas we service.
Fire Damage
Fires are the second leading cause of accidental death around the home. Due to unique behavior of smoke, fire restoration is not simple. It is important to have an experienced restoration team on your side. A fast treatment will help reduce smoke and soot health hazards and damage.

Within Minutes
Acid soot residues cause plastics to yellow; small appliances located close to the source of combustion discolor; highly porous materials (marble, alabaster) discolor permanently.
Within Hours
Acid residues stain grout in bathrooms; fiberglass bath fixtures may yellow; uncoated metals tarnish, counter tops may yellow; finishes on appliances, particularly refrigerators, may yellow; furniture finishes may discolor.
Within Days
In time, acid residues cause painted walls to yellow permanently; metal corrodes, pits and rusts; wood furniture requires refinishing; vinyl flooring requires refinishing or replacement; clothing becomes soot stained; upholstery stains permanently.
Within Weeks
Restoration costs escalate tremendously. Synthetic carpet fibers may yellow or discolor permanently; silver plate is corroded permanently; glass, crystal, china may require replacement due to severe etching and pitting caused by prolonged exposure to acid soot residues.
Cleaning up soot residue must be done as quickly as possible. During combustion, soot residue and volatile vapors are carried by rising and expanding air to surfaces throughout a structure, and are deposited. This process occurs repeatedly until combustion ends, with soot residue building up on surfaces layer by layer. By the time restoration technicians arrive, lacquer-like soot residue may be quite difficult to dissolve and remove.

Mold Damage
Mold becomes a serious problem when it lands on a wet or damp spot and begin growing. Mold has the potential to cause health problems such as allergic reactions sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash. It can also irritate the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs. It can destroy building materials as well, seriously effecting the structural integrity of a building. Central Restoration has a certified mold inspector that can help you deal with the not only the resultant damage, but the root cause. We can also take air samples and surface samples to ensure your homes indoor air quality. Spraying mold with water or diluted chemicals can often make matters worse. Simply deactivating the mold is not enough; it is still a potential health hazard. Mold must be removed from your home to be properly remediated. This often can involve extensive repairs. Avoid future headaches and make sure the problem is taken care of right in the first place.
Sewer Backup
A sewage backup creates a stressful and emotional situation while presenting potential health hazards and significant property loss. A prompt response to sewer backups is important to reduce cleanup costs. Some sewage backup situations may be easily cleaned up. However, in most cases a restoration team on your side can be beneficial. Sewage waste can carry pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In fact, sewage can contain over 120 different viruses alone. Extreme care must be taken to follow safe work practices and disposal of waste. Central Restoration's technicians are trained to handle the risks associated with sewage leaks.
Wind Damage

High winds can cause serious damage. Not only can they rip things off buildings, it can also cause damage with debris and trees. Responding immediately to secure any holes, broken windows, etc. is important. Tornados can cause extreme amounts of damage that needs to be taken care quickly to get you back to normal operations quickly. Typically water damage and even sometimes fires can accompany high wind damage. Central Restoration is equipped to deal with all 3 as a single  source provider.
